Global Warming Theory Suffers A Catastrophic Setback

Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to 
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC 
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itohan award-winning PhD environmental physical

“The whole climate change issue is about to fall apart — Heads will roll!” – South African UN Scientist Dr. Will Alexander, April 12, 2009

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.


Tragic news for climate catastrophists as Arctic sea ice extent looks set to smash all records, despite rising CO2 emissions.

Arctic amplification is the most fundamental tenet of global warming theory, and we are seeing the exact opposite.

Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at , February 16, 3.21.18 AM

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Al Gore told the Nobel committee the Arctic would be ice-free by 2014.

Government funded experts, leading journalists, and Nobel Prize winners all say the Arctic is ice-free.


The End of the Arctic? Ocean Could be Ice Free by 2015 – The Daily Beast


Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014

ScreenHunter_4681 Nov. 16 22.25

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013′

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Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada

ScreenHunter_4675 Nov. 16 19.01ScreenHunter_4674 Nov. 16 18.59

Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?

The Argus-Press – Jun 24, 2008

ScreenHunter_377 May. 12 13.16

The Argus-Press – Google News Archive Search


H/t Pure Climate Sceptic Steve Goddard


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See also :

Fossilized Thinking: Back to communal horse and water powered farms to save the climate

The cheap and reliable nature of fossil fuels made it possible to end slavery. Because we use machines instead of people. You either have cheap labour or cheap energy.
Without concentrated fossil fuel energy, every tree on the planet would have been cut down to provide heat and cooking material.
The beliefs of the Andreas Malms of the world would devastate humanity and the very environment they claim to want to save.

Watts Up With That?

Guest essay by Robert Bryce
In a simplistic and tedious new book, Andreas Malm argues that full Communism is the only cure for global warming.

Andreas Malm longs for the good old days. In his new book, Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming, Malm, who teaches human ecology at Lund University in Sweden, pines for a time when manufacturing depended on waterwheels instead of steam engines. Indeed, Malm spends more than 300 pages—about 75 percent of the text—discussing why English manufacturers abandoned waterwheels and replaced them with coal-fired steam engines. It’s worthwhile history. But in the hands of an avowed Marxist like Malm, it’s tedious sledding. In Malm’s view, the rise of the steam engine was little more than a ploy by evil capitalists to subjugate workers, and because of that, we are now all going to die from global warming.


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Extreme UHI Fraud At NOAA

“Hottest Year Evah” update :

Real Climate Science

NOAA has 16 USHCN stations in Maryland, but they have stopped collecting data from all but four of them. One of the disappearing stations is at Laurel, which has been collecting since 1895 – but no data reported since August 2015.

Laurel raw data shows no warming over the past 60 years, but Beltsville (at I-95 and The Beltway) is five miles closer to Washington DC and shows two degrees warming during that period as the city has expanded. Beltsville is one of the four stations still reporting.


The fact that 75% of the stations in Maryland are missing doesn’t stop NOAA from fabricating temperatures for the 12 missing ones. Laurel is located midway between Washington DC and Baltimore, where another one of the four active stations is located.


NOAA generates the fake Laurel temperature data by interpolating from the neighboring stations, which in this case would be UHI infected Beltsville…

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Being CNN

Hot, dry, drought, flood: CO2 induced global warming. All your fault.

Cold, snow, ice, freeze: CO2 induced climate change. All your fault.

Confess your carbon sins, pay your tithes or your grandchildren will experience hot, cold, wet or dry weather.

Real Climate Science

CNN believes that global warming has overheated the atmosphere, ruined Northeast winters, and is melting the Arctic.  They also believe that Arctic air is extremely cold and causes record cold and snow in the Northeast.

CNN also believes that fossil fuels are burning you up, and that you will freeze to death if you don’t use fossil fuels.

(CNN)An Arctic surge will bring bitter cold air to the Northeast this weekend, with record low temperatures expected.  More than a dozen states are under wind chill advisories or warnings, according to CNN meteorologist Dave Hennen. The wind chill in parts of New England is expected to be 40 F to 50 F below zero, he said.  Weather maps show a cold air mass across the Great Lakes triggering heavy lake-effect snow that is pushing inland, especially near Buffalo, New York.

Near zero temperatures are expected in New York’s Central Park, while it will dip…

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Coldest Valentines Day On Record In New York

Real Climate Science

New York is forecast to be 1F (-17C) tomorrow.  If that happens it will be the coldest Valentines Day on record there. The previous record being 2F in 1916.


The warmest Valentines Day in New York was 63F in 1946


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