COVID-19 Vaccines : Three in four aged care deaths in NSW’s Delta outbreak were fully vaccinated, data shows

“The urge to save humanity is almost always a
false-front for the urge to rule it.”
– H.L. Mencken

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely
exercised for the good of its victims
may be the most oppressive.”
– C. S. Lewis

If the issue were less tragic, one might quip that the editor of Australia’s state-run media monolith was on holiday’s for the taxpayer funded ABC to even begin to think about running this story for the great unwashed to digest.

That aside, up to date data observing “36 of the 49 aged care residents that died after contracting Covid-19 during NSW’s Delta outbreak were fully vaccinated“, is not an isolated case or issue in terms of unexpected relationships between the fully vaccinated and the non vaccinated.

The UK Health Security Agency recently released data showing an overrepresentation of fully vaccinated people contracting Covid-19 over the non-vaccinated, especially in the over 30 year old cohort where actual risks begin.

Via Dr Jay Bhattacharya (Professor Stanford School of Medicine. MD, PhD) :

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Three in four aged care deaths in NSW’s Delta outbreak were fully vaccinated, data shows

By Amy Greenbank Posted 4h ago

Government data, released to the ABC, has revealed 36 of the 49 aged care residents that died after contracting COVID-19 during NSW’s Delta outbreak were fully vaccinated.

All had underlying health conditions or were in palliative care.

Until now, the overall number last year’s deaths in NSW aged care facilities had been reported weekly by the Federal Department of Health and their vaccination status occasionally mentioned in NSW Health daily updates, but no cumulative figure had been publicly released.

Professor Lee-Fay Low
Deaths from COVID among the elderly are lower this year compared to 2021, says Professor Low.(ABC News)

Professor Lee-Fay Low, who specialises in ageing and health at the University of Sydney, said it shows the elderly were still vulnerable.

“Last year, 33 percent of aged care residents that got COVID-19 died,” Professor Low said.

“This year, it’s come down to 14 per cent but it’s still a lot higher than the 0.4 per cent of Australians that die if they get COVID-19.”

When lockdown lifted in NSW on Monday, new health advice permitted aged care residents two fully vaccinated visitors a day and permission to leave their facilities to attend family gatherings.

Given community transmission of the virus was expected to rise as restrictions ease, Professor Low said residents and families should be asked what level of risk they were willing to accept.

“There’s a balance, if you’re trapped, locked in a home which can’t meet your needs for love and can’t see your grandchildren, how do you balance that against maybe a 14 per cent chance of dying if you get COVID?”

Professor Low was concerned that some aged care facilities were rejecting health advice and enforcing tighter restrictions without consulting families.

“Because it was so catastrophic last year when there was an outbreak in nursing homes, facilities are really scared to reopen, and I think we should shift that risk balance towards wellbeing a bit more.”

Vicki Dowling’s mother Lorna Willmott is a resident at Ashfield Baptist Homes in Sydney’s inner west.

“It’s time to move on,” Ms Dowling said.

“There’s risks in life with everything we do. There’s a risk when we get in the car and cross the road.”

Full article …

Three in four aged care deaths in NSW’s Delta outbreak were fully vaccinated, data shows – ABC News


Covid-19 Related :

South Pole froze over in coldest winter on record

Inconvenient. Aren’t the poles meant to warm first according to AGW theory?
And, we’ve recorded a current 40 year cooling trend at the South Pole? Hmmm.

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Antarctic sea ice [image credit: BBC] We’re asked to believe this is just a blip in the relentless march of supposedly human-caused global warming, but let’s give it a few more years to see how things progress.
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Antarctica’s frigid winter temperatures are in contrast to trends in the rest of the world, which overall recorded its fourth hottest summer, says LiveScience.

Between April and September, a research station sitting on a high plateau in Antarctica, registered an average temperature of minus 78 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 61 degrees Celsius).

That’s the coldest temperature recorded since record keeping began in 1957, and about 4.5 F (2.5 C) lower than the most recent 30-year average, according to The Washington Post.

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Dead-Calm Weather Killing ‘Inevitable’ Renewable Energy ‘Transition’

“Dead-calm Weather Kills Energy”, perhaps a more apt headline. Net-Zero-Energy-poverty, here we come…

It’s almost as if this is all by design. 🤔

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – (Quote by Maurice Strong, founder of UNEP, billionaire elitist, primary power behind UN throne. Made his billions via oil and gas.)


Dead-Calm Weather Killing ‘Inevitable’ Renewable Energy‘Transition’

October 3, 2021bystopthesethings2 Comments

Wind power is, by definition, a wholly weather-dependent power source. So, it should come as no surprise that – whenever a burst of calm-weather hits – those charged with responsibility for delivering power, as and when we need it, scramble to obtain it from any convenient and, more importantly, reliable source. Which is why Germany and the UK have reverted to reliance on their ‘dreaded’ and purportedly ‘dirty’ coal-fired power plants.

Back in January this year, the Germansmandated the closure of 11 coal-fired power plants(with a total combined capacity of 4.7GW). But the legislative shutdown barely lasted a week, with all of those plants being hastily brought back online in response to an outbreak of, you guessed it, calm weather.

Likewise, the Brits have been forced to bring old (thought to be redundant) coal-fired power plants…

View original post 1,171 more words

Plentiful Arctic Ice Sept. 2021

2021 Arctic sea-ice levels are currently higher than the 14-year average.
How inconvenient!
Especially on the eve of the latest (anti-human) UN climate COP gab-fest to be held in Glasgow.
Will they dare discuss recent abundant Arctic sea-ice levels that defy all known UN climate models?
The better question may be, do they ever discuss actual science and data anymore? The answer to that question is, of course, no. ‘Science’, ‘data’, and ‘climate’ diverged from rational discourse decades ago when the empirical data began diverging away from UN alarmist model predictions.
The only time they utter the word ‘science’ is when they are lying to you.
This latest sea-ice data, coupled with decdades of failed Arctic sea-ice predictions proves this as fact:

Science Matters

September daily extents are now fully reported and the 2021 September monthly results can be compared with those of the previous 14 years.  MASIE showed 2021 at 5.2M km2  and SII was close behind, reaching 4.9M for the month.  Analysis below shows that the 2021 Minimum was 1/2 Wadham ( 1M km2) higher than the 14 year average, and 1¼ Wadhams more than 2007

In August, 4.4M km2 was the median estimate for the September monthly average extent from the SIPN (Sea Ice Prediction Network) who use the reports from SII (Sea Ice Index), the NASA team satellite product from passive microwave sensors. The SII actual ice extent was 1/2 Wadham higher.

The graph below shows September comparisons through day 273 (Sept. 30).

Note that both MASIE and SII started the month higher than average, hit bottom earlier and then increased the surplus. SII tracked much lower up to ~400k…

View original post 982 more words

UNI QLD LAW PROF : Covid Hysteria Based on Lies, Propaganda and Ignorance

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely
exercised for the good of its victims
may be the most oppressive.”
– C. S. Lewis

“The urge to save humanity is almost always a
false-front for the urge to rule it.”
– H.L. Mencken

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
– H.L. Mencken

Superb piece from Prof. James Allan.

(5 min read)

Via The Australian

Covid hysteria based on lies, propaganda and ignorance

By James Allan

12:00AM OCTOBER 2, 2021

All the Covid hysteria around most of the democratic world, and especially in Britain, New York state, Canada and here in Australia, is driven by two main things. 

The first is that many people haven’t got a clue about what the relative risks are. Ask them what they think their chances of dying would be should they catch Covid and most get this massively wrong – a good few get the odds wrong by two orders of magnitude (answering 30 per cent when at most it’s about 0.3 per cent). And we’re talking about one’s chances of dying before being vaccinated.

Government propaganda – because there is no other way to describe it – has deliberately tried to scare people senseless and hence to distort their relative-risk assessments. That has been a clear and unmistakeable goal, including of all the daily press conferences with the breathless recitation of cases by politicians without an ounce of concern for freedom-­related issues, and by public-health types.

And for once, government seems to have got something right because its Covid scaremongering has been very successful.

The second problem has been all the models relied upon by the supine political class. It started with the Neil Ferguson modelling coming out of Imperial College in London and spread out from there.

No one in the press corps seems to care that Professor Ferguson has had an unbroken track record of massively wrong predictions with his models, prophesying things that came nowhere near reality. In 2002, his models predicted 50,000 people would likely die from exposure to BSE (mad cow disease). In the event there were 177 deaths.

In 2005, Ferguson predicted that up to 150 million could be killed from bird flu. By 2009, 282 people had died of it. Ferguson was also heavily involved in the modelling around Britain’s foot-and-mouth disease that led to a mass culling of 11 million sheep and cattle in 2001. That time his models predicted up to 150,000 humans would die. You guessed it. There were actually fewer than 200 deaths. And before Boris Johnson’s “Freedom Day” a couple months ago, when the British PM finally summoned up a backbone and ignored the public-health class of fearmongers, Ferguson and a small army of supposed experts (more than 1200 scientists and doctors, including the editor-in-chief of The Lancet) signed a letter predicting carnage if Boris went ahead. All their “this is a murderous, irresponsible opening up” predictions proved woefully wrong.

Ferguson, interviewed later about being off by such a huge margin, replied along the lines that it doesn’t bother him being wrong, as long as he is wrong in the right direction. Let that sink in for a moment. For him, and seemingly the vast preponderance of the modelling caste, the right direction is the one that massively overstates future bad outcomes.

A woman looks at a mural of a health worker with wings holding a globe on International Nurses Day in May. Picture: AFP

A woman looks at a mural of a health worker with wings holding a globe on International Nurses Day in May. Picture: AFP

You can keep your jobs no matter how badly off your predictions are, as long as you’re wrong in the overstated direction. Under-predict by even one death, though, and the fear is some pusillanimous politician will give you the axe.

That same attitude seems to be true of virtually all the modelling, including here in Australia. So many models have implausible assumptions built in, such as that no citizens left to their own devices would change any behaviour without the despotic, mailed fist of government ordering them to do so. You will try in vain to find a ­single model that ended up understating the bad outcomes it ­predicted.

So now turn to Sweden, with a population of just under 10 and half million. It never locked down at all. No small businesses were forced to close and so bankrupted (and no big businesses were thereby incredibly enriched and allowed to have bumper profits under the sort of crony capitalism that lockdowns deliver). Schools never closed. People were trusted to make smart calls. Oh wait, Sweden may have put a limit of 500 people at big events for a while. That was it.

According to the most recent data I can find, Sweden has had about 1.14 million Covid cases and 14,753 Covid deaths (a sizeable chunk of those happening early on in aged care, for which the overseeing epidemiologist, Professor Anders Tegnell, quickly admitted the country’s handling mistakes). Since May of this year Sweden has had one of the lowest rates of Covid in Europe. Its deaths per million across the whole pandemic are now low enough that the press no longer talks about Sweden. The lockdownistas do not want the country to do well.

Meanwhile, a number of British doctors are now predicting that deaths caused by the lockdowns themselves will end up outnumbering the saved Covid deaths by 10 or 20 to 1. And this in a world where the median age of Covid deaths is higher than the country’s average life expectancy for men and for women.

A woman walks through a field of white flags symbolising the lives lost to Covid-19 in the US. Picture: AFP
A woman walks through a field of white flags symbolising the lives lost to Covid-19 in the US. Picture: AFP

It’s a world where (according to the latest Stanford study) the survival rate for the unvaccinated for these age ranges is: 0-19 (99.9973 per cent); 20-29 (99.986 per cent); 30-39 (99.969 per cent); 40-49 (99.918 per cent); and the survival rate doesn’t drop below 99.7 per cent until you get to the over-70s.

In a world with that sort of risk of dying from Covid, if you are under 70 why would you care in the slightest if someone else chooses not to get vaccinated? You started with those great odds and improved them by getting vaccinated yourself. Give anyone under 75 a choice of whether to get Covid or cancer, heart disease or diabetes, and you’re an idiot if you don’t pick Covid.

The whole vaccine-passport mandate position (full disclosure, to have some hope of one day seeing my kids who live overseas I’m double-jabbed) is premised on people having no clue at all of their relative risks. Then add in a dollop of “take the worst imaginable outcome modelling”. Throw in a media and press corps that is either stupid or longs for the reincarnation of Pravda. Stir. And you have Australia, readers.

We’re not the world’s best handlers of Covid. From early on it was plain we were on a trajectory to be the world’s worst. And with every year that passes, that will become ever more obvious.

James Allan is Garrick professor of law at the University of Queensland.

Covid hysteria based on lies, propaganda and ignorance | The Australian

Covid-19 Related :

Could Scotland’s Unwanted Wind Turbines Be Turned Into Playparks?

“Could Scotland’s unwanted wind turbines be turned into playparks?”

Absoultely! With more than 13.9 million trees felled (massacred) in Scotland for windmill development from 2000–2019 there appears to be ample room for playparks and beyond!

There may even be ample room to facilitate future UN COP meetings next to, said, kiddies playparks if “Net Zero” requires such intesne and massive deforeastion to house industrial wind and solar ‘playparks’.

Oh, the irony… kids and globalist bureaucrats all playing (and paying) together in the future playparks of denuded-forest-gulags.

“Build Back Better!”


Tallbloke's Talkshop

Windy Standard wind farm, Scotland [credit:] Ideas, opinions, feedback etc. are invited here. It could be said they’ve already had decades to think about this, but any negativity will no doubt be ignored. Existing uses include children’s play areas and bike sheds, but there’s only so many of those that would find a place.
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One wind farm company is looking for imaginative ways to repurpose turbines at the end of their lives, says BBC News.

When Windy Standard was built in Dumfries and Galloway in the mid-1990s, it was Scotland’s second largest wind farm.

Now it is coming to the end of its functional life and the old turbines are set to be replaced by more powerful machines.

But what happens to the original turbines? Owner Fred Olsen Renewables wants to find creative and sustainable ways to ensure they do not end up in…

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