ALARMISTS U-TURN : Scientists Confirm Great Barrier Reef Is Recovering From Bleaching, Again

December 11, 2018, GBR post update.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 :

At this point, we perhaps need to stop and ask ourselves the awkward, yet obvious question, ‘what else does the mainstream-media feverishly lie to us about, every day, every hour, every minute on ‘climate change’, specifically, in this case, The Great Barrier Reef? And, for what purpose, which agenda, whose ideology?’

A remarkable example of media and academic deceit unfolding before your very own eyes, in the case of Ridd Vs James Cook Universirty Vs Academic Freedom (Truth) Vs the survival of enquiry (the survival of human civilisation).

Via GWPF :

Peter Ridd: Great Barrier Reef ‘has completely recovered’ from 2016 bleaching event

Date: 22/06/21 Sky News Australia

Physicist and author Peter Ridd says just about every area of the Great Barrier Reef – according to the statistics – “has completely recovered” since the 2016 bleaching event and is in “no danger”.

(Click to watch)


“The area which was hit by the 2016 bleaching has completely recovered; every area except one has got above average coral cover, some at near-record levels… so actually the statistics make it look wonderful,” he said.

“Our untrustworthy science institutions have now given the Chinese the ammunition to beat us with. We need audits of our own scientists so we can’t be crucified with our own work.

“If climate change is going to affect the Great Barrier Reef, it’s going to affect all the reefs of the world, but they’re only picking on Australia because they don’t like our climate policy – it’s just a political stunt that has been fuelled by our own untrustworthy science institutions.”



WE need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public’s imagination…
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.

– Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports



REMEMBER when climate ‘scientists’ said Corals on Great Barrier Reef will never be the same after back-to-back heat waves

Corals on Great Barrier Reef will never be the same after back-to-back heat waves, scientists say | LA Times


REMEMBER when climate ‘scientists’ said “Global warming has changed the Great Barrier Reef ‘forever’ …

Global warming has changed the Great Barrier Reef ‘forever,_ scientists say | The Washington PostGlobal warming has changed the Great Barrier Reef ‘forever,’ scientists say | The Washington…

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University of East Anglia ‘Climategate’ scandal to be turned into film

Here’s the BBC to tell us it wasn’t a scandal after all, as the scientists who admitted behaving badly by ignoring Freedom of Information requests, …

University of East Anglia ‘Climategate’ scandal to be turned into film