DMI’s Missing Graph


By Paul Homewood

h/t Dave, Andy and Pethefin


For the last few months, there has been a widening divergence between the two Arctic sea ice extent graphs produced by DMI.

The above chart for Feb 2nd, accessed via the Wayback Machine, is for 30% ice concentration, and shows ice extent at 10-year high levels since October.

This is how DMI describe this data:

Total sea ice extent on the northern hemisphere since 2005. The ice extent values are calculated from the ice type data from the Ocean and Sea Ice, Satellite Application Facility (OSISAF), where areas with ice concentration higher than 30% are classified as ice.
The total area of sea ice is the sum of First Year Ice (FYI), Multi Year Ice (MYI) and the area of ambiguous ice types, from the OSISAF ice type product. However, the total estimated ice area is underestimated due to…

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How not to measure temperature (or climate) #97 – California’s warming air temperatures are population and site bias related


Watts Up With That?

A couple of days ago, I highlighted a worst of the worst NOAA climate monitoring station in Arizona with the help of a scientist from the University of Washington.

My friend Jim Goodridge, former California State Climatologist continues to be busy in his retirement, and sends this along today. He’s been tracking a group of weather stations in California, and has been doing so for over 20 years. In fact, it was Jim who first introduced me to that light bulb moment where I realized that global warming wasn’t really all it was cracked up to be when he made this short publication in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society in 1996.

I guess you could say it was the graph that launched a thousand blog posts, because as we all know, CO2 can’t heat differently based on county population.


So with that in mind, have a look at his…

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