Glaciers Were Disappearing During NASA’s Coldest Years Ever

Real Climate Science

ScreenHunter_10165 Aug. 23 01.37


According to NASA, 1911 was one of the coldest years ever, yet glaciers were disappearing.


Climate experts say we can stop glacial melt, because they are criminals paid to lie by the White House.

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Climate Crisis, Inc.

“No warming in 18 years, no category 3-5 hurricane hitting the USA in ten years, seas rising at barely six inches a century: computer models and hysteria are consistently contradicted by Real World experiences.”

… Scientific metrics that completely contradict the ‘global warming’ theory, yet the ‘climate change’ behemoth rolls on unabated, at an estimated cost of $4.5 billion a day (Delingpole estimate).

BIG green = BIG business. Ironic as the protagonists of ‘climate change’ are inherently anti-capitalist, anti-corporate and anti-wealth.

PA Pundits International

A $1.5 trillion a year Industry, and the Larry Bell book explains how profiteers of climate doom keep the money flowing

Driessenprofile2By Paul Driessen ~

No warming in 18 years, no category 3-5 hurricane hitting the USA in ten years, seas rising at barely six inches a century: computer models and hysteria are consistently contradicted by Real World experiences.

obamasolar-529x353So how do White House, EPA, UN, EU, Big Green, Big Wind, liberal media, and even Google, GE and Defense Department officials justify their fixation on climate change as the greatest crisis facing humanity? How do they excuse saying government must control our energy system, our economy and nearly every aspect of our lives – deciding which jobs will be protected and which ones destroyed, even who will live and who will die – in the name of saving the planet? What drives their intense ideology?

The answer is simple. The…

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Realities Of Climate Change, Politics And Public Knowledge.

Watts Up With That?

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball

The minute a small cabal hijacked climate for a political agenda it determined that setting the record straight required political answers. Naomi Klein admitted it wasn’t about the science directly. That fighting climate change was necessary to combat capitalism. This was the objective all along and expressed in 1993 when Senator Wirth admitted,

“We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing …” 

The “right thing” is achieving Maurice Strong’s objective of getting rid of the industrialized nations.

Too many skeptics continue to think that scientific points are going to change the public understanding. Most of the public don’t understand, but, more important, don’t want to understand. I doubt the 75% who failed the Yale Education Climate Change test lost any sleep. Polls, such as those of the

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