SHOCK NEWS! Arctic Summers Ice-Free by 2013

We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public’s imagination…
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts…
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.

– Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports

The only way to get our society to truly change is to
frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe
– emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation


According to 97% of the world’s top climate scientists, the Arctic will be ‘ice-free’ in a few weeks …

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Professor Wedhams gives a two year reprieve …

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Will Steffen of Australia’s Climate Commission reports a melting arctic and The emission of methane from the Arctic Ocean will wreak financial havoc:

“Warming is strongest in the northern high latitudes … An example is the loss of Arctic sea ice, which contributes to the thawing of the permafrost under the East Siberian Sea.” “Recent observations show that methane is beginning to bubble up … as the Arctic sea ice continues to retreat and the region continues to warm.”  

  • The release of the East Siberian Sea methane would lead to impacts worth about US$60 trillion (by comparison, the total value of the world’s economy in 2012 was about US$70 trillion, and the value of the Australian economy is about US$1.5 trillion).

Climate Commission and Steffen taking full advantage of the latest climate hysteria. An alarmist prediction so bad, even Gavin Schmidt thinks it is implausible!

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ARCTIC ICE “Death Spiral” …

The ice is in a “death spiral” and may disappear in the summers within a couple of decades, according to Mark Serreze, an Arctic climate expert at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado. 

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Paul Beckwith of Sierra Club Canada still thinks “Arctic sea ice will vanish” in a few weeks …

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‘Serious’ Adult Arctic Alarmism

A CLOSER LOOK at the ice-free Arctic of summer 2013 …

Ice-free ARCTIC

From Real Science:

Second Largest Arctic Ice Gain On Record

Posted on Real Science August 8, 2013 by 

Arctic ice area has increased by almost 20,000 Manhattans from this date last year, making it the second largest increase on record. The only year which gained more ice was 1996.

In a few days, it is likely that 2013 will move into the #1 spot.


2013 is the coldest Arctic summer on record:


COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut


The Arctic Displays Its Breathtaking Ignorance Of Peer Reviewed Climate Science

Temperatures have plummeted below freezing weeks early.

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50% Increase In Arctic Sea Ice Since Last Year

Green shows ice gain since August 8, 2012. Red shows ice loss over that period.

ScreenHunter_60 Aug. 10 00.17

How it looks:



See also: Forget global warming! Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002!  (Climate Depot)


Arctic Sets New Record For The Largest Increase In Summer Sea Ice

This summer has seen the largest increase in sea ice area on record. August 8 ice area was 1.26 million km² larger than the same date in 2012, beating the old record increase set in 1996.


NOAA describes this record increase in ice as being a record loss.

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Second Slowest Peak Arctic Melt Season On Record

Since July 23, Arctic ice area loss has been the second slowest on record. Ice loss has been 61% of normal, and was just slightly faster than 2001.


Climate experts tell us that Arctic sea ice is thin, decayed, rotten, and screaming, and that it is all going to melt away quite suddenly during the next week.

Arctic Announces That It Is Very Angry At Dishonest Scientists

I just received this message from the Arctic

Government scientists shouldn’t claim 99% certainty of theorized cause and effect relationships – based entirely on preconceived notions and political prejudice.

Additionally, scientists who claim to be able to see the distant future are complete frauds.


COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Earth Blows Away The Record For Sea Ice Gain In 2013

The amount of thin, rotten, decayed, bald sea ice on Earth has increased by nearly 33,000 Manhattans since this date last year – almost doubling the previous record for annual ice gain.

Note that the amount of sea ice on Earth has increased during six of the last eight years.

NOAA says that these are the hottest years ever, and that the Arctic will soon be ice-free.


62% Increase In Arctic Ice Since Last Year

Green shows ice present in 2013 which was not present on this date in 2012. Red shows the opposite.

AAAAAAA ARCTIC August 2103 62

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

The Ministry Of Truth continues to lie about this :


This year’s melt rates are in line with a sustained decline of the Arctic ice cover, which has been monitored by NASA for several decades.

In the 1980′s the ice cap was about the size of the lower 48 states. It’s lost about half its size since then

Arctic ice cap points to sustaining increasing melt rates |

Arctic ice extent is the highest since 2005

AAAAAA 626262

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

69% Increase In Arctic Ice Since 2012

Green shows ice present in 2013 which was not present on this date in 2012. Red shows the opposite.


Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

Largest Growth In Ice Area On Record

Arctic ice area has grown by 21,000 Manhattans since last year, the largest increase on record.



Comparing Arctic Sea-Ice coverage:  Aug 24, 2012 – 2013

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Earth Gains 38,000 Manhattans Of Sea Ice – Blows Away The Old Record


Earth has gained 2.2 million km² of sea ice since this date last year, wiping out the previous record gain of 1.1  million km² in 1994.

According to climate experts, polar ice loss is the canary in the coal mine for global warming, meaning that their junk science theory has flown the coop. All they are left with is newspaper and cable news excrement at the bottom of the cage.

Arctic Ice Almost As Extensive As It Was 42 Years Ago

Green shows current ice.  Red shows 1971 ice.

ARCTIC record

Arctic Ocean Map 1971 by National Geographic from

N_daily_extent.png (420×500)

The IPCC report from 1990 showed that ice extent was low in the early 1970s.

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NCAR also noted that prior to 1972, ice extent was low.

by Walter Orr Roberts  Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, and National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado

In February of 1972 earth-orbiting artificial satellites revealed the existence of a greatly increased area of the snow and ice cover of the north polar cap as compared to all previous years of space age observations.

Alarmists want you to believe that there used to be a lot more ice, but they are lying.


Shock News : More Western Arctic Sea Ice Than 1981

Western Arctic ice coverage is higher than 1981, and is almost back to “normal.”


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Gaia Pummels Arctic Alarmists

Arctic ice area the highest since 2006, and average ice area for the year to date is higher than 2006.





COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institute



Arctic Alarmists Will Long For The Summer Of 2013

Posted on Real Science September 18, 2013 by 

This summer has been a disaster for Arctic alarmists, but it is only going to get worse. The bulk of remaining ice is perfectly situated in the western Arctic to survive the winter and become multi-year ice.

Another cold summer like this one, and western Arctic ice will be back to what alarmists call “normal”  Look for great wailing and gnashing of teeth.



Screen Shot 2013-09-20 at , September 20, 2.43.28 PM

The Cryosphere Today – Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps



Earth Has More Sea Ice Than 1990

Posted on Real Science September 19, 2013 by 

Planet Earth currently has 333,000 Manhattans of sea ice, which is more ice than on the same date in 1990. (Note that there was a small dip a few years ago which caused many leading scientists to become hysterical.)


Climate experts say that the poles are melting down, because they never look at any actual data.


Climatism Links:

Australia Climate Related:


Happy Birthday to my Brother Tim today (August 8) … never far away.

9 Comments on “SHOCK NEWS! Arctic Summers Ice-Free by 2013”

  1. Geoff Wales says:

    Which way is the ice melt trending?


  2. Geoff Wales says:

    The graph you linked to only goes from 1975 to 1990. Why refer to such an outdated graph at all? How is that useful when we have more recent data? We can all make graphs go up or down (just like the IPCC?), by cherry picking dates. Here is 1953 to 2013 – the trend is unmistakable.


  3. Geoff Wales says:

    My post above referred to the IPCC (just like the IPCC). I meant NSDIC.


  4. Climatism says:

    IPCC thought that graph was useful in 1990 for their inaugural WGI climate report … however…

    Re data, unfortunately satellites only started Arctic measurements in 1979. So we have to rely on literal first-hand accounts and observations for any time before then. How accurate is any data before 1979? Is ‘cherry picking’ from 1979 century maximum, thus providing the downward trend some are after, a fair representation of historical extent?…we are after all only talking about 33 years of sat monitoring.

    Is the decline of Arctic sea ice extent, proof of ‘man-made’ global warming? Historical records tend to disagree or show similar, if not much warmer periods and greater melt throughout our history:

    Here’s some fantastic examples of ‘first-hand’ accounts and observations from press clippings etc of when the Arctic has been in warm cycles throughout human observable history (actually fascinating reading, if you’re into history….if)

    Polar Meltdown:

    Northwest passage open:

    1947 : International Agency Needed To Stop The Arctic Meltdown (Same story, different millennium)

    Let me know if you need any more information on the historical perspective.

    Worth noting, it’s Important to look at so called ‘outdated’ graphs because strange things happen after data adjustments…especially when trying to ‘reconstruct or rewrite’ historical data or to simply ‘make your case’

    Here’s a good example:

    See (at bottom of post) here:

    Have a good weekend Geoff,


  5. Geoff Wales says:

    You said, “Is the decline of Arctic sea ice extent, proof of ‘man-made’ global warming?” On it’s own, no. But it is part of a pattern of events that support the hypothesis that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. There is a very high probability of a causal link. Considering the seriousness of the consequences of global warming we should take the responsible approach and protect our future by reducing our CO2 output.


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