An Open Letter to an Alarmist Shill

Professor Bran Cox. Another ‘influencial’ public figure ingratiated into the fashionable, virtue-signalling and ever-lucrative world of “Climate Crisis Inc.”

And he had the perfect audience and forum to spout his activist-NASA derived climate propaganda within the gushing walls of the (their) ABC’s “QandA” echo chamber.

A PhD should know better.

Watts Up With That?

On September 9, 2016, Quadrant Online published the following open letter from Graham Woods to Brian Cox. Grahan Woods is an Australian PhD.

By cellanr - Prof Brian Cox, CC BY-SA 2.0, By cellanr – Prof Brian Cox, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Dear Brian,

I’d appreciate your response to this email, which deals with your recent appearance on the ABC’s Q&A program.

First, I want to make it clear that, where you’re concerned, I’m not a ‘vexatious invigilator’. My wife and I (each with an earned PhD) have watched most of your TV programs, and have been struck by their intellectual clarity and your unassuming personal style (as well as by your BMI: we’re high-level wellness devotees). With that said, we both have serious misgivings about your recent appearance on Q&A.

No pronouncement that enjoys an audience has zero social consequences, and the more prominent the pronouncer the more significant the consequences are likely to be. Your…

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