REALITY Check: Nunatsiavut Wildlife Manager Says Polar Bears Not Starving, Public Misinformed

“Goudie points to one post he saw recently from National Geographic that showed what appeared to be a starving polar bear, but in reality was an animal that was sick.”

NAT Geo pops up again with another blatant falsehood designed to deceive its audience. 100+ years building a publication of reputation and integrity only to have it destroyed in as little as a decade thanks to a religious zeal to the doctrine of CAGW.

REAFFIRMS the old adage that reputation takes a long time to build but can be destroyed overnight.

RIP Nat Geo. Viva La Polar Bears!

Watts Up With That?

Inconvenient rebound in polar bear numbers.

Polar bears not starving, says Nunatsiavut wildlife manager

Geoff Bartlett · CBC News

One of the people who oversees an Indigenous hunt of polar bears says the population is doing well, despite heart-wrenching photos online suggesting some bears are starving.

Every year, the Nunatsiavut government awards polar bear licences to Inuit hunters living in the northern Labrador settlement area.

The Inuit set a quota of 12 polar bears this winter. Nunatsiavut wildlife manager Jim Goudie said all 12 were taken within the first seven days of the season.

Goudie said it’s just the latest evidence that polar bears are on the rebound in northern Canada — a trend he said officials have been recording for years.

“There are lots of signs of bears,” he told CBC Radio’s Labrador Morning. “Lots of bears and a continuation of what we’ve seen over the last three or four years.”

The Nunatsiavut hunt takes place over an area stretching from Cape…

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