Tangier Island

CLASSIC example of how sea-level rise is deceitfully abused as evidence of anthropogenic climate change (AGW) when sea-level rise should be treated on a region to region basis to account for, in this case, land subsidence.

The other no-brainer to identify wilful deception is the fact that there has been no sea-level rise acceleration, despite accelerating CO2 emissions…

You may notice this trend, or lack there of, in many cases of SLR fear-mongering.


By Paul Homewood

CBS have a report on rising sea levels at Tangier Island, in Chesapeake Bay here

The video is worth watching. The CBS reporter makes the usual attempts to blame it on “climate change”, but the locals know too much to fall for that old pony.
They know that sea levels have been rising, and land eroding, since 1850.

And they are right. Tide gauges in the area, such Sewell Point, Norfolk, confirm that sea levels have been steadily rising for a long time, long before recent rises in emissions of CO2.


The rate of rise is 4.6mm/yr, nearly three times the global rate. But there is a very good reason for this – the land is sinking.
Chesapeake Bay is the site of an ancient impact crater, caused by a comet or meteor. As a result the land has been subsiding ever since. Estimates by proper…

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One Comment on “Tangier Island”

  1. kaykiser says:

    Thanks. I have just reblogged it to my site realscienceblog.com. The land in the area has been subsiding for a very long time. It is the site of an ancient meteorite impact, which makes it unstable.

    Liked by 1 person

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