Wind Industry Corruption in NSW: Maurice Newman Lifts the Lid

A must read.



Maurice Newman was the former head of Deutsche Bank, the ABC and ASX so you’d think he might know a thing or two about economics and business. Maurice doesn’t mince his words about these things: calling wind power “a crime against the people” (see our post here).

Maurice has also previously made the connection between spiralling power costs – being driven by the insanely expensive and utterly pointless Renewable Energy Target – and the death of manufacturing in Australia (see our post here).

Before Malcolm Turnbull’s coup did in Tony Abbott as PM, Maurice acted as chairman of the Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council.

One notable feature of Turnbull’s time in office is his reluctance to appear on Alan Jone’s Breakfast Show. Probably due to Jone’s ability to go for the jugular, it’s a case of Malcolm ‘Timid’ Turnbull.

On the eve of an election where…

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