Survey: South Australians Fed Up with Unreliable Expensive Green Power

“People under 25 are the strongest supporters of renewable energy, though they worry more about job security. I suspect this is because a lot of them don’t pay energy bills.

“Despite the job losses, the factory closures and the painful cost of living price hikes, I suspect South Australians will continue to believe the green lies, they will keep chasing their impossible dream of a renewable future for a long time to come.”

AS long as Left-wing/socialist governments can borrow and use other peoples’ money for ideological “green” symbolism, the economic rot of unreliables – wind and solar power – fed by a collective climate change madness, will continue unchallenged, despite what the majority of people want over the eco-elites and the >25 year-old social justice warriors.

Insanity on stilts.

Watts Up With That?

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

South Australians, the world’s renewable crash test dummies, have just overwhelmingly rated affordability and reliability of supply as more important than tackling climate change in an online survey – but they still want their green energy revolution.

Your Say survey finds South Australians rank power bills, supply over tackling climate change

Paul Starick, Sunday Mail (SA)

December 9, 2017 5:30pm

SOUTH Australians are abandoning support for tackling climate change by cutting carbon emissions in favour of demanding affordable and reliable electricity supply and developing a renewable energy industry.

In agenda-setting results on a cornerstone issue for the March state election, more than 3500 respondents overwhelmingly ranked affordability and reliability as the most important components of electricity supply in the Sunday Mail Your Say, SA survey.

Forging a renewable energy industry was also popular among respondents, demonstrating support for solar, wind and batteries.

This indicates…

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