What “permanent drought”? New all-time rainfall record set for California

“Permanent Drought” UPDATE… (as defined by climate experts. I.e. climate “scientists” and sycophant propagandist fake media: BBC, ABC, CNN, LATimes, NYTimes, CNBC, National Geographic, Nature journal, Phys.org ETC)

Watts Up With That?

From the California Dept. of Water Resources

Northern Sierra Precipitation Sets Water Year Record Atmospheric Rivers Pushed Total to 89.7 Inches since October 1

SACRAMENTO – Never in nearly a century of Department of Water Resources (DWR) recordkeeping has so much precipitation fallen in the northern Sierra in a water year. DWR reported today that 89.7 inches of precipitation – rain and snowmelt – has been recorded by the eight weather stations it has monitored continuously since 1920 from Shasta Lake to the American River basin.

Source: https://cdec.water.ca.gov/cdecapp/precipapp/get8SIPrecipIndex.action

Today’s total surpassed the previous record of 88.5 inches recorded in the entirety of Water Year 1983. The region’s annual average is 50 inches. California traditionally receives 30 to 50 percent of its annual precipitation from atmospheric rivers (ARs), long and relatively narrow “rivers in the sky” laden with moisture that blow in from the Pacific. The West Coast experienced 46 ARs between…

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