GWPF Energy Manifesto

I concur. As any sane and humane person should.

This point resonates the loudest for mine:
– Increase research budgets for nuclear fission and fusion…


The first priority of British energy policy should be to enable business and households alike to have access to cheap and reliable sources of energy.

This is the key message of the Global Warming Policy Forum’s Energy Manifesto 2017 published today.


The GWPF has published its new Energy Manifesto.

The main demands are:

The new government should 

  • Undertake a new and up-to-date review of the economics of climate change.
  • Suspend commitment to the Carbon Budgets in line with the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee’s recommendation.
  • Suspend the Carbon Price Floor, a unilateral carbon tax that puts an unequal and unfair burden on British industry.
  • Suspend commitments post-2020 under the EU Renewables Directive which puts an unequal burden on the UK economy.
  • Phase out subsidies for renewable energy generators of heat and electricity. The renewables industry repeatedly claims that they are now cheaper than conventional energy. Government should take them at their…

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