Obamaclimate and Europe’s Green Energy Basket-Case

The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself
– Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation


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According to satellite measurements and peer-reviewed science, for 16 years and 9 months, there has been no Global Warming at all.

RSS sat measurement

Peer-Reviewed studies that confirm the lack of any recent global warming:


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Let’s See How The “Clean Energy Economy” Is Doing in Germany And Europe…

via JoanneNova

Germany is a Green Energy Basketcase:

  • German’s electricity bills have doubled since 2000. (Germans pay about 40c a KWH.)
  • Up to 800,000 Germans have had their power cut off because they couldn’t pay their bills.
  • Germany’s renewable energy levy rose from €14bn to €20bn in one year as wind and solar expanded. German households will pay a renewables surcharge of €7.2bn this year alone.
  • Germany has more than half the worlds solar panels. They generated 40% of Germany’s peak electricity demand on June 6, but practically 0% during the darkest weeks of winter.
  • Seimens closed it’s entire solar division, losing about €1bn. Bosch is getting out too, it has lost about €2.4bn.
  • Solar investors have lost almost about €25bn in the past year. More than 5,000 companies associated with solar have closed since 2010.
  • Germany has phased out nuclear, but is adding 20 coal fired stations. Gas power can’t compete with cheap coal or subsidized renewables and 20% of gas power plants are facing shutdown.
  • Despite the river of money paid to renewables, emissions have risen in Germany for the last two years.

It’s a case of lose-lose all around, everyone — taxpayers, investors, renewables companies, gas companies — all lost. Waste and stupidity on a colossal scale.

The pattern is similar in the rest of the EU:

  • Two weeks ago the Czech Government has decided to end all subsidies.
  • Spain owes €126bn to renewable energy investors.
  • In Spain more than 5,000 solar entrepreneurs face bankruptcy without the subsidies.
  • EU leaders now officially list affordable energy as being more important than greenhouse emissions.


In fact, the German green revolution has been so successful they have just ‘test-fired’ five new coal-fired power plants with a combined capacity of around 4 GW.

And just in case the wind stops blowing or the sun is blocked by clouds of evil man’s 12 parts per million of colourless, odourless, trace gas carbon dioxide, rendering their half a trillion uro investment in windmills and solar panels useless, Germany have another 15 coal plants planned to open by 2020!

German Coal Fired Power Stations Due to Open By 2020

Operator Location MW Date Due Status
Trianel Lunen 750 2013 In Trial
EnBW Karlsruhe 874 2013 In Construction
GDF Wilhelmshaven 800 2013 In Construction
Steag Duisberg 725 2013 In Construction
E.ON Datteln 1055 2013 In Construction
RWE Hamm 1600 2013 In Construction
Vattenfall Hamburg 1640 2014 In Construction
GKM Mannheim 911 2015 In Construction
MIBRAG Profen 660 2020 A/W Approval
RWE Niederaussem 1100 n/a A/W Approval
GETEC Buttel 800 n/a A/W Approval
Dow Stade 840 n/a A/W Approval

BDEW, the German Energy Producers Association.

How much was lost from European manufacturing, to China, which could not compete? Investors are “pouring money into the US, where energy prices have fallen to one-third of those in the EU, thanks to the shale gas revolution.” 

But if “King Barack Hussein Canute” and his overreaching EPA have their way, energy prices will skyrocket, just like they have in Germany, Europe and Australia.

And if Obama and his overreaching EPA succeed in their quest to de-carbonise America, the “Clean energy economy” will become “an engine of [recession] for decades to come”.



via NoTricksZone

German Chamber Of Industry and Commerce: Renewable Energy Driving Out 25% Of Industrial Companies

By P Gosselin on 6. September 2013

Yesterday I wrote 2 posts on the renewable energies folly in Germany, see here and here.

Now the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) confirms the mess with a press release and survey results of businesses and industries. The survey (see right) shows that energy prices and supply risks are threatening the ability of many German industrial companies to compete, and that many are now gearing up to move their operations to friendlier foreign locations.

Renewable energies are leading to higher prices, unreliable supply, less competitiveness and widespread job loss

In total, some 2400 companies of all sizes, sectors, and regions were surveyed throughout the country. Keep Reading »



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Germany industry in revolt as green dream causes cost spiral – Telegraph UK 19, Sep 2013



See Also:


Environmental Damage By Renewable Energy:

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