COP 26 Climate Contrast: Poverty Versus Private Jets

“ It is cruel that the COP26 attendees guzzle fossil fuels for a week’s trip yet deny the use of same fossil fuel for life-saving purposes. The poverty-stricken people do not have any of the privileges that the COP26 attendees take for granted.” 🎯

PA Pundits International

By Vijay Raj Jayaraj~

It is that time of the year when the global attention turns towards United Nation’s Conference of Parties, their flagship climate summit attended by global leaders.

This year’s conference, which takes place between 31 Oct, 2021 –12 Nov, 2021, is expected to have plenty of discussion on the Net Zero program, a strategy that is already embraced by many nations.

But these climate conferences are also infamous for the grand hypocrisy displayed.

Private Jets to Talk Emission Reduction

You simple cannot make this stuff up! Hundreds of private jets descend upon every city that hosts the UN COP conference, which in principle is a direct contradiction to the purpose behind the event.

Despite the hypocrisy pointed out about their gas guzzling private jets, the attendees have not stopped using their private jets.

This essentially entails that the darling of media—ie, the politicians and celebrities who…

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